Statistical data show a large percentage of psoriasis patients worldwide - in 3-5%. Most of the disease affects the skin, which manifests itself as a red rash, with a characteristic inflammatory reaction. In this case, the plaque is covered with silvery scales on top. The main difficulty in treating this disease is the lack of a cure for a complete cure. It is assumed that the main factors influencing the spread of psoriasis are: metabolic abnormalities, external factors, stress, as well as heredity.
Most scientists agree that heredity plays one of the most important roles. With the presence of genetic abnormalities, any external stimuli can trigger the manifestation of psoriasis. These can be nervous abnormalities, depression, psycho-emotional, poor quality clothing materials, mechanical damage to the skin, poisoning with chemical compounds, infectious diseases, etc. Methods for treating psoriasis are reduced to the transition of the disease from acute symptoms to asymptomatic manifestations. Most important is not only a person’s behavior during the relapse period, but also the prevention of psoriasis, for which prevention is responsible.
The main method of preventing psoriasis
Psoriasis prevention consists of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and eliminating negative factors. At the same time, prevention has a relatively general form, that is, it allows you to prevent the development of other diseases, because immunity is enhanced, and the body functions in a normal mode, the likelihood of resisting environmental stimuli qualitatively increases.
Prevention is a set of measures aimed at maintaining health in the body. There are several areas of influence that can help prevent recurrence:
- High quality skin care;
- Stick to a diet;
- Relaxing massages are recommended;
- Rejection of bad habits;
- Avoid stress and depression;
- Prevents corrosive chemicals from entering the skin and respiratory tract;
- Maintain proper levels of trace elements and vitamins in the body.
High quality and comprehensive skin care is required:
- Periodically carry out water procedures, even in winter. For summer, you can use a cold shower, pour, and in the cold period, use a warm bath with the addition of soda, salt, herbs, etc. ;
- It is important to take good care of your skin so as not to provoke irritation and sores on it. Use a soft sponge, and it is better to push the hard sponge altogether, if not repeated as possible;
- Eliminate solid soap from use. Also prevents the ingress of solvents such as gasoline, kerosene; It is better to wash the hair on the head with a special shampoo, which contains the spread of the disease and can act as a treatment for psoriasis. These include shampoos, balms and lotions;
- Prevent skin cracking to rule out possible symptoms. After a bath or shower, it is important to moisturize the skin, for this use masks, creams, ointments, etc. This accelerates the recovery of the hydrolipid membrane and prevents an increase in water loss. It is necessary to use such a method once a day;
- Internal humidity should be at an optimal level (50-55%). If the air is too dry, the skin begins to dry out, and then cracks. Moisturizers can be used;
- Increased air circulation increases skin dryness in air conditioners and drafts. It is necessary to limit the time spent on the premises;
- Mechanical damage should be excluded. Wounds, bruises, abrasions, tears of the skin often cause relapses;
- Chemicals, such as bathroom care, should be used minimally and only with personal protective equipment, although prolonged exposure to the respiratory tract is dangerous;
- Cut nails short to avoid accidental injury to the skin;
- Some types of cosmetics contain aggressive substances in their composition, which negatively affect the skin. You may need to switch to medical cosmetics.
The use of health massage
Psoriasis prevention becomes more effective if massage is used. Massage techniques that stimulate blood circulation are considered very beneficial. Thanks to active blood circulation, the removal of metabolites, toxins is accelerated, and the process of skin regeneration is accelerated, which prevents the worsening of the disease. The massage involves the use of fingers to gradually stretch the skin around the plaque. It is necessary to capture an area of 2-4 cm around the affected area. The plaque itself cannot be touched, it is fraught with the severity of the disease. A whole body massage can be done to prevent the formation of new plaque. Often you need to process the back, then proceed to massage the limbs and at the tip of the abdomen. The ribs respond well to squeezing and rubbing. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.
Proper nutrition and diet
Nutrition plays an important role in preventing the development of almost all chronic diseases, and psoriasis and its prevention are no exception. There are several diet plans that can produce positive results, such as the Pegano diet, but the essence is the same and is to eliminate harmful substances. It is because of the recurring negative effects of food that occur. This is justified by the fact that liver damage in psoriasis is a characteristic course of the disease.
- Do not eat fried, spicy, salty and pickled dishes at all. Also excluding canned food, semi -finished products can be eaten in small quantities, but only homemade. Eat perishable foods with caution. All this affects the process of food processing in the digestive tract;
- Do not eat citrus fruits, as they are considered very allergenic fruits. Also in the composition of citrus fruits there is colchicine, which destroys folic acid, and it, in turn, is one of the essential components in the regeneration of the skin;
- It is not recommended to eat corn;
- Relapses may be caused by bananas, mangoes and strawberries;
- It is forbidden to eat sweets, as well as flour products;
- Eating potatoes is acceptable, but should be greatly reduced. This is due to the high potassium content. By reacting with sodium, they oppose calcium. Calcium is important in dealing with the inflammatory response;
- Fatty meats should be minimized, especially pork and lamb. Replace with more dietary meat;
- Highly allergenic foods are: eggs, tomatoes, coffee, chocolate, honey, and mushrooms;
- Dairy products are healthy because they contain a lot of protein and fat. It is recommended to include cottage cheese, milk, fermented baked milk and cheese into the diet. Thanks to the most essential amino acids, the course of biochemical reactions throughout the body is normalized. At the same time, the high content of calcium helps to eliminate inflammation, as well as the manifestations of allergies;
- Treating and preventing psoriasis works well with plant-based foods such as vegetables, fruits and herbs. However, they should be eaten raw. Carrots have beneficial properties, thanks to vitamin A. This component leads to the normalization of metabolism in the skin and helps to perform faster regeneration;
- Porridge should be in the diet every day. The most useful grains are: wheat, oats and buckwheat;
- For the fastest psoriasis treatment, you need to drink plenty of fluids, this includes juice, water, including mineral water, tea, etc. ;
- If you have an intolerance, avoid the use of allergens. These nuances are determined with the help of the attending physician.
Quit alcohol and smoking
There are no reliable data on whether alcohol can trigger the disease, but it is known that in patients with advanced psoriasis, the course of the disease is very severe with drinking. It is also possible to generalize common and gross forms of the disease into more severe forms, for example, psoriatic erythroderma.
With regard to smoking, everything is much easier. It is observed that it can trigger both the disease itself and exacerbate the current form of the disease. People who consume 20 or more cigarettes per day are particularly at risk. The main problem is a decrease in the activity of the immune system due to lack of oxygen and weakness of muscle tone and vascular walls. It is also important that smoking worsens blood circulation through capillaries, as well as suppression of antioxidant protection.
Healthy lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle is one of the fundamental factors that affect the well -being of the skin. It is important to have a good daily routine, including adequate sleep. Doctors advise more often to go out into nature, fresh air, go to the sea, resorts, sanatoriums.
Physical activity helps restore a healthy body condition, which is a key factor in disease prevention. Sports activities are great, especially fitness and swimming. A set of such measures allows you to strengthen the immune system, as well as eliminate nervous tension.
Psychoemotional disorders and stress have a negative impact on the course of the disease and often trigger its occurrence. The most important thing in prevention is the normalization and stability of the emotional state and nervous system. You should try to exclude external stimuli as much as possible. Ancient practices such as yoga and meditation, as well as extra sleep, can help with this. In more severe cases, they use sedatives or mix with herbal teas.
If psoriasis involves disorders of the nervous system - headaches, sleep disturbances, nervousness, then medication can be used. Effective - motherwort, valerian, Nervo -Vit. They allow you to normalize sleep patterns, boost the capacity of the immune system, and increase resistance to stress.
It is difficult to achieve results without your own efforts, you need to take everything more calmly.
Some professions are categorically unsuitable for psoriasis patients. Adverse factors include: high temperatures, too much dryness or humidity in the room, use of chemicals. Also, the choice of profession should not fall on expertise with high levels of nervous stress, as well as the risk of mechanical damage. It is better to stay away from highly allergenic environments.
The use of vitamin complexes
Vitamins have an excellent effect not only on the course of the disease, but also on its prevention. Thanks to strong immunity, it is possible to prevent relapse, along with this, metabolism is improved, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Important vitamins are:
- A - he is responsible for keratinization, which significantly accelerates the regeneration of the skin;
- E - Appreciated primarily for its antioxidant effects. It also prevents abnormalities in metabolism and acts as an important part of DNA synthesis;
- D - is a regulatory substance for the exchange of phosphorus and calcium. At the same time, it stimulates regrowth in the epidermis and normalizes membranes, cellular structures;
- Group B - is actively involved in skin metabolism, increases oxygen absorption. The skin element responds well to the presence of vitamin B, which is indicated by the normalization of the nervous system.
Often, products with high vitamin content or preparations are used. Recommended - Undevit, Geksavit, and Dekamevit, but they should be used based on a doctor's recommendation.
Consultation with a doctor before taking medication is required. In some cases, the agent, in turn, causes the severity of the disease, which is indicated by an increase in symptoms. The use of lithium preparations, as well as those containing gold and beta blockers, should be avoided.
Any, even the most harmless, at first glance, disease can trigger psoriasis. It is necessary to address the timely treatment of all diseases. Upper respiratory tract disease often exacerbates psoriasis.
Climatotherapy, ultraviolet radiation
Ultraviolet radiation has a beneficial effect on the course of psoriasis and its prevention. Patients are prescribed sunbathing for 5-10 minutes, burning is unacceptable. Also, seawater has a positive effect, especially from the Dead Sea, although this indicator is individual, on the contrary, it harms some. Skin lesions are contraindicated for swimming in seawater. During an exacerbation, you should not swim. The time to conduct climatotherapy should be adjusted individually.
When sunbathing, you need to use a protective cream. The attending physician will be able to tell whether sunbathing will have a good effect, if not there is a high risk of exacerbating the disease.
Injury is a very dangerous manifestation that can cause psoriasis, as well as exacerbate it. This increases the risk of secondary infections due to cuts and abrasions. Plaques often appear around the lesion. Prevent the formation of injuries as much as possible.
Factors such as high quality and appropriate clothing is one of the principles of preventing psoriasis or its recurrence. It is recommended to use clothes made of soft fabrics made of natural materials, the better they have a bright color. This will help prevent injury to the plaque and reduce pain to the skin. A brighter color will help make the silvery scales less visible. Linen, cotton and other soft fabrics are suitable for bedding. Avoid wearing fur sweaters and similar irritants.