Modern medicine cannot offer the most effective medicine for the treatment of psoriasis. All sprays, ointments, creams, therapeutic procedures, pills only help to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and make the patient's life better, preventing and weakening the manifestations of relapse. Later, when the belief in medicines disappeared, many patients turned their attention to folk remedies.
Home treatment for psoriasis
Many of those who have long suffered from psoriasis strive to try every possible way to get rid of plaque and flaking for years to come. Tar is considered one of the most effective drugs in folk medicine. Although most patients state that it helps heal plaque only if psoriasis has started recently.
Before treating with birch tar, be sure to check if you have an allergic reaction to this substance. This can be done using special tests. Soak a cotton pad in a little tar and apply the product towards the elbows. If you suffer from allergies, then the first signs (redness, itching, peeling) will appear in half an hour. Remember that there are no other contraindications to using birch tar.
Treatment with this drug lasts 2-6 weeks, depending on the stage and severity of the disease. You can buy tar at any pharmacy. Apply with a cotton swab on the part of the skin that has been affected by psoriasis. In the first days of treatment, tar is applied for only ten minutes. After that, it must be washed with tar soap. Gradually, the therapy time increased to 40 minutes a day. It is best to apply tar in the evening.

In a few days you will be able to see the first positive results. However, do not stop treatment until all plaques are completely gone.
Despite the fact that birch tar is considered the best folk remedy for psoriasis, some patients prefer other treatment options.
Even older forms of psoriasis can be easily treated with regular baking soda. In some patients, after that long-term remission, which is quite difficult to achieve with the help of medications. The easiest and cheapest option for treating psoriasis with baking soda is to use baking soda baths.
To do this, hot water is brought to the bathroom and up to 900 g of soda is added to it. If necessary, you can also add sea salt, chamomile or string infusions. You need to lie in the bathroom for at least half an hour to get effective therapeutic results. After that, never rinse baking soda from your skin or dry it yourself.
Such a bath is taken in one day from two to eight weeks. Until complete forgiveness takes place.
A number of patients claim that copper sulfate helps heal psoriatic plaques quickly and for a long time. To use this recipe, you need the following ingredients: yellow sulfur (powder), copper sulfate, dried celandine (powder), lard, and birch tar. Take 50 g of sulfur and 50 g of burnt vitriol (in powder form). Add there 25 g of birch tar and celandine, as well as 150 g of fat. Put the mixture into a water bath, stirring. Then let cool.
The resulting ointment must be lubricated with plaque once a day (best before bedtime). To avoid problems in the form of allergies, you should first try the ointment on a small part of the skin.
Alternative treatments for scalp psoriasis
Homemade shampoos are the best for treating scalp psoriasis. The following recipes are considered the most effective.
Take 20 g of honey, baby shampoo and an egg white. All these ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and applied on the scalp daily for three to eight weeks for 15-20 minutes.
No less effective in the treatment of psoriasis of the scalp are various infusions and decoctions, which are taken internally. Among them should be highlighted:
- Take 20 g of elderberry flowers and pour 500 g of boiling water. Insist for about 1. 5 hours. You need to take the tincture daily one hour after a meal (120 g).
- Take calamus root and elecampane and combine with celandine, St. John's wort. John, lingonberry leaves, ponytail and black elderberry flowers. 10 g of the mixture must be poured with boiling water (250 g).
Treatment of plantar psoriasis with folk remedies
The most effective treatment for plantar psoriasis is grease or machine oil. In this case, note that only a simple grease, which is sold to lubricate metal car parts, helps. Today you can see a variety of preparations based on this ingredient with herbal ingredients, but, as practice shows, it does not bring the desired result.
Immediately, you need to undergo long -term treatment (from one to two months). Plantar psoriasis usually takes a long time and is difficult to heal, because plaque is in places that are often in contact with other surfaces.
For treatment, you only need to smear the affected part of the skin with oil. On the first few days, spread the oil for 15-20 minutes and every day (in a week) increase this time to 40 minutes. Be sure to wash off the oil after use with tar soap.
Alternative treatments for nail psoriasis
To improve the condition of nails with psoriasis, it is recommended to use the following folk remedies.
Take a bay leaf (20 g) and pour 400 g of hot boiled water over it. Cook for about ten minutes over low heat. Then cool and strain. The infusion should be taken orally for a third of a glass three times a day. Therapy lasts up to seven days. After that, it is necessary to rest for two days, and then drink again according to the old scheme until all symptoms of the disease disappear.
You can also rub the liquid form of vitamin A (retinol) directly onto the nail plate. But it should be remembered that such treatment will last at least three months. Some people use cornstarch or oatmeal nail baths.
Folk remedies for the treatment of psoriasis on the elbow
One of the most effective treatments for psoriatic plaques on the elbows is egg ointment. Many patients claim that thanks to this medication, they manage to achieve a stable remission for several years.
To prepare the egg ointment, the following ingredients are needed: put one raw egg (with shells) in a 200 gram glass jar. Pour in the vinegar essence, which should cover the eggs completely. Close the lid and place in a dark, cool place for a day. Remove the eggs and crush with the shells. Put a little lard or goose in there. Mix.
This ointment should be applied on the slightly affected elbow, as at first it is quite unpleasant that the agent burns. After a while, you can increase the amount. After 1-2 hours, wash the ointment with water and smooth the skin with a regular cream (children are most suitable). Apply only once a day. The effectiveness of this tool can be seen immediately (2-3 days). Therapy is continued until the plaque is completely gone.
Herbal psoriasis treatment
Healing herbs are often used to treat psoriasis. But the most effective of these is the fir fruit, especially its seeds. For so long, garden uranium has been considered the safest treatment for psoriasis. It should also be borne in mind that this plant helps achieve long -term remission, which is quite difficult to obtain with conventional medicine.
Purslane can be purchased either at a pharmacy or online. If you want to buy over the Internet, then you need to pay attention to "Collecting garden alleys".
For effective therapy, you need to make a concentrated tincture. To do this, take two tablespoons of purslane seeds and mix in boiled water in a thermos. Once the infusion has stopped (about an hour), you can apply it to the affected skin. Remember to keep the skin wet from the color.
Therapy lasts from four to six weeks and during this time the patient is able to completely remove the psoriatic plaques. Forgiveness is long enough. In some cases, it may be five years old.
Treatment of psoriasis with homeopathy
Homeopathic remedies are often used to treat psoriasis. At the same time, some of them help get rid of psoriatic plaques completely, as well as get long -term remission. But immediately need to pay attention to the fact that treatment with homeopathy is long and quite complicated. If you do not refuse treatment in the middle of the course, otherwise you will not get effective and positive results.
Note that homeopathic remedies tend to be less effective when taken separately from medications.
Evaluation of traditional medicine recipes in the treatment of psoriasis
Remember that traditional medicine is considered more effective in the early stages of the disease, when plaques first appear on the patient’s skin.
Some of the most popular folk recipes are as follows:
- Celandine is probably the most well -known medicinal plant used, among other things, for the treatment of psoriasis. The juice is most often used. Such treatment is carried out in the summer, because during this time selandin begins to bloom. Fresh plant rubber is applied to psoriatic plaques as soon as the crop is harvested. The therapy lasts about three months and during this time the patient can see effective results.
- Hazelnuts - used to make warm water baths. Applied during disease exacerbation. For such a bath, you need to take half a kilogram of walnut shells and insist on boiling. It is recommended to take a bath in a water bath for half an hour.
- Meadowsweet - the root of this medicinal plant is used to treat psoriasis. It must be used in powder form. To prepare an ointment based on meadowsweet root, you need to take petroleum jelly or oil and half a glass of crushed root. Boil the mixture in a water bath and apply on the affected skin.
Effective treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies
Alternative treatments in combating psoriatic plaques are more effective. It helps achieve long -term remission (in some cases up to five years), as well as cleanses the skin from unpleasant external manifestations. Each patient chooses the most effective and proven method for himself. The most popular today are considered: birch tar, celandine juice, viburnum tincture, baking soda, machine oil. But it should be understood that you may be allergic to this fund, therefore, before using it, you need to test for allergic reactions.