The first manifestation of psoriasis often appears on the head, then spreads throughout the body. Psoriasis of the head occurs with itching and the risk of bacterial complications. If you suspect the psoriatic nature of the rash, you should immediately see a doctor - the disease responds well to treatment at first. The article contains all the information about the symptoms and all the known treatments for this form of the disease.
Causes of psoriasis in the head
This is a chronic non -infectious dermatological process that develops in individuals with hereditary predispositions. The cause of psoriasis of the head and the mechanism of its development are not fully understood. But it has been established that the process develops against the background of metabolic and immune disorders. The body loses control over the division of skin epithelial cells: they begin to divide more quickly. Just as quickly, signs of keratinization appear, manifested in the form of exfoliation. At the same time, the inflammatory process develops in the skin.
The leading cause of scalp psoriasisis a hereditary tendency. Scientists are trying to identify the genes responsible for the transmission of the disease from generation to generation. Separate altered regions have already been established, associated with different genes, found in patients and their closest relatives.
But someone with a genetic predisposition does not necessarily get sick. Equally important are external and internal predisposing factors. Scalp psoriasis begins in genetically predisposed individuals due to exposure to the following factors:
- mechanical irritation of the skin (with a hairbrush with hard teeth; injuries to small wounds and crusts that appear with seborrhea, etc. );
- cold exposure;
- transmitted infectious diseases; often after streptococcal impetigo - purulent rash mainly on the facial skin; develops in children and becomes the impetus for the development of autoimmune processes;
- chronic stress and high load;
- frequent smoking, alcohol abuse;
- dietary disorders - dry food irregular malnutrition, excessive consumption of high -calorie foods and hot spices;
- with hormonal disorders that affect the condition of the sebaceous glands of the skin - obesity, sex hormone imbalance, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, hypothalamus;
- in diseases of the liver and kidneys with impaired function of these organs; toxins are neutralized in the liver, and they are excreted from the body through the kidneys; intoxication can be a starting point in the development of the disease.
Under the influence of one or more factors, the interaction of the organism with the environment is disrupted. The metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is disturbed, which leads to the acceleration of metabolic processes in the skin and its exfoliation.
Psoriasis of any localization can spread throughout the body, so do not delay treatment.
Changes in the immune system are manifested in the form of increased sensitivity of the skin to any external influences (other than frequent combing or coloring of hair). In response to such influences, antibodies are produced into their own cells, triggering the occurrence of autoimmune inflammatory processes. The reason why inflammation begins is still not fully understood. This is one of the medical priorities towards the treatment of psoriasis.
Symptoms of scalp psoriasis
Psoriasis of the head manifests itself in the form of characteristic symptoms. The disease can begin acutely with various rashes (abusive form of psoriasis) or gradually with itching and peeling of the skin, and only then a characteristic rash appears (seborrheic form).
The more frequent onset is gradual, in the form of dandruff and flaking. In the early stages, this is a small area in the occipital area. Exfoliation spreads to a larger area and itching begins. Constant scratching of the skin contributes to the roughness and appearance of abrasions. What does scalp psoriasis look like? The initial symptoms of psoriasis on the head in the photo look like this:

In areas of scratches and abrasions, redness first appears, and then small inflammatory nodules and papules, surrounded by bright rims that rise above the surface of the skin. Accompanied by severe itching, the rash increases in size and merges with each other. The characteristics of the rash are:
- white "shaving" covering papules; when scraped, it resembles stearin spots; in the seborrheic form, the scales are yellowish and the phenomenon of stearin spots is not very noticeable;
- if you scrape all the "chips", the smooth translucent surface opens;
- further erosion leads to the appearance of blood droplets on the surface - "blood dew".
In the photo, three signs look like this:

Three manifestations of this feature distinguish scalp psoriasis from seborrheic dermatitis, for which it is easily confused. In the future, the papules merge and form psoriatic plaques, which have different configurations and sometimes spread to the entire surface of the head.
The course of scalp psoriasis can be mild with the appearance of a single rash in the early stages. The rash then goes through all three stages of development. In severe form, the rash occupies an entire important area and spreads to the face and neck in the form of a crown - an inflamed rim covered with silvery scales. Hair roots do not suffer, but bacterial, fungal or mixed infections often join the psoriatic process, leading to complications that are not so easy to cure. This is what the crown looks like:

Stages of psoriasis in the head
The disease persists for a long time, exacerbation being replaced by remission. The frequency of exacerbations and the severity of symptoms depend on the presence of provoking factors.
Progressive rating
The rash and inflammation spread, accompanied by severe itching. In the early stages, there are Koebner's symptoms - the appearance of a psoriatic rash at the site of scratches and abrasions.

The process is in the same state, does not spread, but does not fade either.

The process gradually subsides, the itching disappears, the rash becomes pale, the infiltration of inflammation is reduced, gradually acquires the appearance of spots; the color of the rash becomes pale, starting from the center, forming a ring -shaped figure with a brighter border. Sometimes they begin to turn pale from the edges to the center and then take the form of whitish rings (the symptom of psoriasis on the head is Voronov’s pseudoatrophy). The healing phase can take quite a long time and gradually only unpigmented white spots remain on the skin.

Methods of treatment of psoriasis of the head
Scalp psoriasis requires systematic treatment under the supervision of a physician. The most important is a mobile lifestyle, quitting smoking and alcohol, dieting. It is necessary to treat the disease in a complex way, to use techniques taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body. Complex therapies can include modern European methods, drug treatments, as well as oriental methods that have been proven for centuries. Such treatment can immediately improve the patient's condition and lead to the development of a stable remission within a few weeks.
PRP - therapy - this method is based on the ability of platelets (red platelets) to secrete growth factors that stimulate the regenerative abilities of cells. By centrifugation, the patient’s blood is enriched with platelets and then injected in a directional direction into the scalp. This technique can speed up the onset of remission and prevent the development of relapse.
Autohemotherapy - treatment is carried out by intramuscular injection of a small amount of blood taken from a patient's vein. This has a general stimulating effect, restoring the epithelium of the head. After treatment, stable remission was observed.
Reflexology is the effect in various ways on special points on the body, reflexively associated with organs and tissues. One of the most ancient and effective traditional treatment methods. The effect on the point can be done with acupuncture (acupuncture), cauterization, massage, etc. Treatment of psoriasis on the head with this method has been practiced in oriental medicine for thousands of years. Treatment is performed by a reflexologist.
Vacuum therapy - the effect of sparse air on biologically active points - is one method of reflexology. It can be carried out using cans or special equipment. Promotes rapid recovery of altered tissue. As a result of the use of vacuum therapy, the affected area is significantly reduced.
Phytotherapy - dermatologists widely use medicinal plants in their practice in the form of infusions, decoctions and ready -made pharmaceutical forms. When used properly as part of a complex treatment, it is very effective in the early stages of the disease and in its long -term form. If you add phytotherapy, the effectiveness of other treatment methods increases, the risk of developing unwanted drug effects is reduced.
Treatment of psoriasis of the head in the clinic
In specialized clinics, the disease is treated by dermatologists who are trained and clinically experienced in treating the disease by all methods known today. In their work, they use new Western medical treatment methods combined with traditional Eastern methods that have been successfully used by ancient Chinese and Tibetan physicians for thousands of years.
To prevent recurrence, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease
Professional clinics use a variety of methods with an individual approach to each patient. Several complexes of traditional methods in combination with permanent drug treatment can save patients from problems with scalp skin.
The effectiveness of treatment in the clinic was noted in their reviews and reviews not only by patients who regularly received supportive care, but also by colleagues from other Moscow clinics.
Prevention of psoriasis on the head
Prevention of psoriasis of the head is especially necessary for people with hereditary predisposition who have sick relatives. It includes eliminating the effects of the following factors:
- any prolonged exposure to the skin;
- malnutrition and an inactive lifestyle;
- prolonged stress and heavy loads;
- smoking and alcohol abuse;
- hormonal disorders - if the disorder is suspected, you should immediately contact an endocrinologist;
- intoxication - timely to treat all chronic diseases that contribute to impaired metabolism and immunity.
A dermatologist can tell you how to cure psoriasis on the head after an examination. Therefore, you should not procrastinate with expert advice, because the early stages of the disease are easier to treat. Can we cure this process? It is not impossible to cure this disease, but if a person is treated regularly, there is a great chance of getting rid of a relapse for a long time.
Diet for psoriasis of the head?
There is no specific diet, but the treatment of scalp psoriasis involves 4 meals a day that contain all the ingredients needed for the body in the diet. Foods that irritate the skin should not be on the table:
- spicy, salty, sour;
- fruits rich in essential oils (fresh garlic and onions, carrots);
- fried, smoked, canned food;
- caffeinated beverages - strong tea, coffee, coca -cola, etc. ;
- alcoholic beverages - they contribute to the development of disease recurrence.
It has been established that meat foods cause severity, so the diet should contain more foods containing complex carbohydrates, lean meats, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc.
Drug therapy for scalp psoriasis?
The drug is selected according to the patient's condition and the presence of symptoms of a particular disease. In the early stages of psoriasis of the head, the following external agents are used:
- when wet, solutions and creams are prescribed that eliminate these symptoms and prevent bacterial and fungal infections;
- if the skin is dry, then it is treated with ointment; ointment with salicylic acid - has a softening effect; ointment with tar has the same effect; ointment with zinc and vitamin D3 + glucocorticoid analogs betamethasone helps a lot - it helps to quickly eliminate the symptoms of psoriasis;
- ointments and creams with corticosteroid hormones are prescribed in the treatment of common forms of psoriasis on the head;
- shampoo is widely used; so, tar shampoo relieves inflammation, softens crusts; shampoo with zinc has an antiseptic and softening effect, relieves inflammation; shampoo has been used for a long time.
Folk remedies for psoriasis on the head?
Is it possible to treat scalp psoriasis with folk remedies? Most specialists use folk remedies for the symptomatic treatment (elimination of certain symptoms) of the disease. But you need to be clear that:
- it is necessary to treat the disease with folk remedies on the recommendation of a dermatologist;
- it is impossible to cure disease with folk remedies alone; dermatologists prescribe complex therapies in combination with traditional medicine.