Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the epidermis. The pathology is not contagious, as it is provoked not by an infectious cause, but by an autoimmune disorder. The disease is characterized by excessive skin cell division, which leads to the formation of dense plaques. The inflammation affects any part of the body. Scalp psoriasis is a fairly common form of the disease. The peculiarity of the localization of the rash on the head is the complexity of treatment. This form of psoriasis is often the cause of complex development and dissatisfaction with oneself, as it can be seen by others. The elements of the rash do not look aesthetically pleasing and require timely treatment.
The causes of the development of this disease
Scalp psoriasis develops for the same reason as body skin lesions. The factors that act as drivers of the appearance of plaque on the skin are:
- pressure;
- seborrhea;
- prolonged sunlight exposure;
- allergic reactions;
- damage to the skin;
- decreased immunity.

Stress exacerbates many diseases, including psoriasis.
Regardless of the reasons that trigger the development of the first episode of the disease, psoriasis is always accompanied by excessive cleavage of epidermal cells, which explains the appearance of rash elements. This is caused by the body’s autoimmune response, which provokes an immune attack on skin cells.
The disease is characterized by a non -bumpy path with periods of deterioration and remission. Doctors often refer to the pathology as a psychosomatic disorder, because the exacerbation of psoriasis is directly related to the patient’s psychoemotional state.
Stress, lack of sleep, fatigue, lack of vitamins in the body can cause unusual irritation and the emergence of new elements of the rash.
Although there is a disgusting rash, psoriasis is not contagious at all, as it is the result of an internal disorder, but not an infection or a virus.
Although doctors have not yet identified the exact cause of the development of this disease, most tend to believe that psoriasis is the result of systemic disorders in the body caused by hormonal imbalances, instability of the nervous system and metabolic processes. , malnutrition and cold climates.
Symptoms of psoriasis
Psoriasis of the head begins with the appearance of dense nodules that are not visible externally. Over time, the nodules merge with each other, forming an island. The skin around the rash element group swells and becomes inflamed, dry crusts and scaly areas may appear.
Over time, the nodules become dense and flat, exfoliation begins on its surface with the formation of large scales, in a shape and structure resembling dandruff.
Scalp psoriasis is most often localized in the temporal area, behind the ears, in the neck and along the hairline. Often, exfoliation and plaque form along the parting.
The disease can manifest itself at any age. Often, the first episode of psoriasis occurs either during puberty and before the age of 20, or over 35 years of age.
Scalp psoriasis is classified according to the severity of symptoms. The mild form of the disease is characterized by the formation of isolated inflammatory foci and moderate desquamation. The rash with this form is inconspicuous and responds well to drug treatment.
For severe psoriasis of the head, the picture allows you to assess the severity of the symptoms, the whole head, the hair growth zone and the back of the neck are characteristic. The elements of the rash are large, the scales are very large and can be seen with the naked eye.

Scalp psoriasis can affect the scalp and surrounding skin.
Timely diagnosis plays an important role in scalp psoriasis. An experienced dermatologist will make the diagnosis during an external examination of the patient. The difficulty lies in the fact that many patients do not go to the doctor, do not know what psoriasis is like on the scalp, and mistakenly think of it as dandruff. It is important to remember that psoriasis in the early stages of the head responds quite well to treatment, however the lack of timely therapy will inevitably lead to disease progression and damage to more and more areas of the skin.
If you experience the first symptoms of damage to the scalp, you should see a doctor, because if psoriasis is diagnosed, treatment should be complete and timely.
The stage of the disease
Regardless of the localization of the rash, psoriasis of the scalp and skin of the body always persists in some stage. The first stage is the exacerbation of the disease. During this period, new papules form on the skin, excessive division of epidermal cells is observed. Papules merge into large lesions, which then turn into plaques, and in turn, they begin to flake off. The duration of the exacerbation depends on several factors and can last up to several months. During this period, the rash element covers the scalp, the epidermis around the ears and neck, and can descend to the back. Scalp psoriasis is often accompanied by focal lesions on the skin of the body.
The second stage of the disease does not move. During this period, the progression of the disease stops, the amount of rash elements does not change, the disease stops spreading to healthy skin areas. During the stationary stage, literally nothing happens - the plaque does not increase in size, but also does not decrease. Peeling remains the same, the epidermis looks thick and inflamed. This stage can also take months.
The next stage is disease reduction. During this period, the inflammatory process stops, peeling stops, because the division of epidermal cells stops. The plaque gradually becomes softer, decreases in size, and then disappears completely. With proper skin care, after recovering from the disease, there are not even traces, however, most often, areas with disturbed pigmentation are formed in place of plaque.
Then appears healing, in which the skin looks very healthy. The duration of remission depends on the lifestyle and general health of the patient. It does not last forever, because psoriasis does not go away, but only goes away temporarily. Subsequent worsening can occur in months or years due to stress, climate change or decreased immunity. With subsequent exacerbations, psoriasis resumes in several stages, beginning with the appearance of new papules, ending with a decrease in plaque size and full skin recovery.

In its mild form, psoriasis is easily confused with dandruff.
Diagnosis of the disease
Psoriatic rash on the head can appear in adults and children, because psoriasis in children is not uncommon. It is important to detect the onset of pathological processes in a timely manner and visit a dermatologist.
The scraping method is used to diagnose the disease. The affected epidermis responds to local damage with a certain number of signs that are only characteristic of psoriasis.
When scraped, the scales fall off with dandruff without causing pain, itching, or discomfort. As a result of prolonged exposure and cleaning of plaque from keratinized particles, a thin layer of skin is found under the scales. It is inflamed, stained a bright pink color and shines like a stearin stain. If the film is damaged, small droplets of blood appear on the surface of the plaque, indicating damage to capillaries that are too close under the skin.
This epidermal reaction is known as the "psoriatic triad" and is a unique symptom for the disease, allowing an accurate diagnosis without laboratory testing.
Principles of treatment
Dermatologists will consult in detail on how to treat psoriasis on the head. The fact is that everyone’s disease manifests itself in its own way, so there is no universal treatment regimen that suits all patients without exception.
The goal of psoriasis therapy is to stop the progression of the disease, improve the appearance of the skin and achieve lasting remission. As shown by the practice of doctors, a properly chosen treatment regimen allows you to forget about the disease for up to several years.
An integrated approach to the treatment of psoriasis is practiced, which includes:
- the use of hormonal ointments to relieve inflammation;
- using non -hormonal medications to relieve symptoms;
- physiotherapy to accelerate skin recovery;
- dietary changes and spa procedures.
The treatment policy consists of medications for external use, which are used to focus the inflammation. In some cases, treatment is complemented by taking pills for psoriasis of the head, priority is given to immunostimulatory drugs and vitamin medications.

It is impossible to cure psoriasis, but getting rid of the manifestations for a long time is possible
Conservative therapy
Traditionally, dermatologists prescribe two types of skin treatments - non -hormonal ointments and glucocorticoid preparations.
Glucocorticoid ointment is used in a short course at the stage of exacerbation of the disease. They help stop inflammation and reduce the rate of disease progression, which allows you to stop deterioration quickly. However, these drugs are not safe. They penetrate into the general bloodstream and have systemic effects on the body, causing dysfunction of the liver, kidneys and adrenal glands. Hormonal ointments are selected only by dermatologists. Today, many doctors shy away from the use of glucocorticoid medications in the treatment of psoriasis, taking into account its short -term effects.
The main lines of combating the disease are physiotherapy, non -hormonal ointments and lifestyle changes.
Non -hormonal drugs are divided into several groups:
- preparation with naphthalene and solids;
- ointment with tar;
- preparations with sulfur;
- zinc -based cream.
Such ointments have keratolytic properties, that is, they contribute to the exfoliation of keratinized particles of the epidermis. All ointments do not have a systemic effect on the body and have a fat base, as it quickly softens plaque.
Ointments based on birch tar and coal are recommended for patients with oily scalp. Such funds stop the inflammatory process and enhance local immunity, preventing further cell division in the affected area.
Ointments with naphthalene and solid oils are used for very dry plaques with a large number of removable scales. Their main goal is to prevent the spread of pathological processes to healthy skin. They effectively soften the affected area and improve the overall appearance of the epidermis, while providing anti-inflammatory effects.
Preparations with zinc exfoliate the skin and protect against secondary infections. They are used for all forms of scalp psoriasis, as they act quickly and gently. Sulfur tar ointment, ointment with sulfur and zinc - this drug is suitable for most patients and quickly has a therapeutic effect.
The advantages of non -hormonal drugs are their natural composition, the absence of contraindications and side effects. Such drugs can even be used to treat small children, as they do not have a systemic effect on the body.

The advantage of natural ointments is that they are harmless
The course of treatment is an average of 20 days, the ointment is applied up to three times a day. The disadvantage of treating the scalp with ointments is the appearance of untidy hair, because all medications are greasy and quickly stain the hair. The alternative is a special medical shampoo, however, as practice has shown, the best therapeutic effect is achieved with the simultaneous use of shampoo and ointment.
General therapy
While treating psoriasis of the head at home, an important role is played by general strengthening therapy. Dermatologists say that it is not enough to take an ointment for psoriasis on the head, it is necessary to take measures to strengthen the whole body as a whole.
Complex therapies include:
- tranquilizer;
- antidepressants and sedatives;
- immunostimulant;
- vitamins;
- tonic;
- cytostatic;
- retinoid;
- antihistamines.
Since the exacerbation of psoriasis is often accompanied by stress and disorders of the nervous system, sedatives and tranquilizers play an important role. The goal of such therapy is to reduce the damaging effects of stress, improve sleep, restore normal function of the nervous system and normalize mood. Sedatives include medicines, alcohol color of valerian, peony and motherwort. The medication is available without a prescription and is a mild medication that can help normalize sleep and relieve stress. For depression, neurosis and other mental disorders that appear with a background of psoriasis, you should consult a neurologist about the appointment of strong medications such as sedatives and antidepressants.
In addition, vitamins were prescribed (A, C, E, group B). Their purpose is to normalize the activity of the nervous system, antioxidant effect, accelerate skin regeneration and normalize immunity. Preparations with antioxidants in the composition help remove toxins from the body, restore skin regeneration and protect cells from negative influences.

Vitamins are essential for treatment.
Immunostimulants must be used, but only as directed by a physician. Self-administration of such drugs can have a negative impact on health and worsen the course of the disease.
Cytostatics and retinoids stop the division of excessive epidermal cells, acting from within. Because there are many contraindications and side effects, medications like these are prescribed by a dermatologist after a thorough examination.
Shampoo for psoriasis
Despite the fact that the first treatment consists of an ointment for psoriasis on the head, a special shampoo must be used. They help both cure psoriasis on the scalp and provide a subtle cleansing of the epidermis without being too dry.
You can use a hypoallergenic baby shampoo for delicate scalp cleansing.
The shampoo can be used up to three times a week. The course of treatment is 30-40 days and depends on the form of the disease. Shampoo is applied on wet hair, lather and immediately rinse - this is needed to clean the scalp from accumulated skin fragments. Then the product is re -applied, foamed with a massaging motion and left for five minutes, after which the medicine must be washed off. Therefore, the shampoo cleanses the skin and has a therapeutic effect.
Among the uses of medicated shampoos, there is a need to wash the hair regularly, which looks untidy due to the use of greasy ointments. For daily scrubbing for psoriasis, it is recommended to use baby shampoo with medicinal ingredients in the composition - chamomile, calendula, sage. Preference should be given to products intended for children from the first days of life, because the composition of the shampoo is the most natural and safe.
Physiotherapy for psoriasis
Physiotherapy helps increase the effectiveness of drug treatment. With psoriasis of the scalp, darsonvalization and PUVA therapy are considered the most effective and safe methods.
The first method is based on exposure to low frequency currents. This procedure is performed using a special tool with a comb -shaped electrode. Within 10 minutes, comb your hair with the included preparation. This effect enhances metabolic processes and accelerates skin regeneration. Usually the course of treatment consists of 25 procedures.
One of the most popular psoriasis treatments is PUVA therapy. It is a type of ultraviolet radiation. The result is increased skin trophism, increased local immunity and stimulation of regrowth. The treatment period also consists of 20-25 procedures.
Folk medicine
Traditional medicine knows how to get rid of psoriasis on the head as quickly as possible, but dermatologists warn that such medicine can only be used in addition to medication and physiotherapy.

Folk remedies will complement traditional treatments, but will not replace them.
The traditional remedy for scalp psoriasis is based on the preparation of rinses and masks from natural ingredients. Here are the most effective recipes.
- Sea buckthorn oil mask with egg yolk improves metabolic processes and accelerates recovery. Such a remedy can only be used at the stage of plaque healing, because sea buckthorn oil accelerates this process. Another unique property of the oil is the prevention of pigmentation disorders in the wound area of the skin. To prepare the mask, heat a little oil to a comfortable temperature, mix with one egg yolk and a tablespoon of honey and apply on the scalp for 40 minutes.
- Another effective and safe remedy is a blue or green clay mask. Clay is rich in valuable micro and macro elements, improves metabolic processes, saturates skin cells with useful substances and accelerates recovery. To prepare the mask, pour the clay with warm water, mix and apply on the skin for half an hour under a plastic cover.
- Rotate 4 tablespoons of fresh celandine in a meat grinder, squeeze through a thin cloth. Mix the resulting juice with half a glass of red wine and use a cotton swab to apply on the plaque for 15 minutes, and then rinse with water. Fresh onion juice can be used in the same way.
- Pour 150 ml of medicinal alcohol in two tablespoons of dried celandine flowers, pour into a glass container with a lid and leave for ten days. This medicine is then used to treat plaque. After applying the product, it should be washed off after 10 minutes. If you use too much celandine tingtur, you can burn your skin.
Folk remedies like these to treat psoriasis on the head will help speed recovery. Concomitant treatment with drugs, folk remedies and tonics showed good results.
Lifestyle and prognosis
With psoriasis, you should reconsider your lifestyle and change your diet. It is necessary to minimize the intake of allergenic foods, give up fast food, smoked and fatty foods. It is important to avoid stress, normalize sleep and work schedule. For psoriasis, spa treatments and climate change are recommended. Mud baths and mineral salts help improve the condition of the skin.
Prognosis depends on the form of the disease and its method of treatment. It is impossible to get rid of psoriasis completely, but a properly chosen therapy allows you to achieve long -term remission.
Preventive measures are to strengthen the nervous system and immunity, combat stress in a timely manner and a healthy lifestyle.