Psoriasis: early stage

A complex systemic disease accompanied by problems on the skin is called psoriasis, the early stages of the disease do not differ from specific symptoms. Therapeutic therapy gives the best results if carried out in a timely manner. Doctors state that in healthy people, cell death occurs after a month. A psoriasis patient experiences a shortened period of skin renewal, which is several days.

Manifestations of psoriasis on the elbow

What are the early stages of psoriasis like, photo

Redness and psoriatic peeling on the arms

Although the disease is not contagious, patients notice damage to the skin, nails and hair. On the epidermis, red eruptions are clearly visible, initially small in size. After a while, papules form at the site of inflammation, an area that turns into a bright shade, which will stand out on the skin. At the top there are scales or silvery plaques.

At first, the papules hardly bother the patient, in rare cases distinguished by itching and slight flaking. In the early stages, the affected area does not exceed a few millimeters, in the future the area can grow up to 10 cm.

Psoriasis can affect different parts of the human body, so it is worth noting the symptoms in different locations:

  • Face. . . The early development of the disease indicates the presence of psoriatic plaques on the skin around the eyes, eyelids, and eyebrows. The nasolabial fold area can also be severely affected.Psoriasis of the headIn rare cases, the spread of the disease can spread to the mucous membranes of the mouth, cheeks, tongue or lips. Some patients complain that papules also affect the contours of the lips.
  • Hairline. . . Across the surface of the head, large scaly spots were noted, characterized by a large number of scales. They resemble dandruff in appearance. In this case, the hair does not suffer from the disease, the pathology affects only the skin. The patient experiences itching, continues to scratch the head. Often, red spots are noted on the neck and ears.
  • Hands. . . The palms and interdigital spaces can be covered with a single papule, which has a clear red color. On the back, manifestations of the disease are rare. With the presence of pathology in the fingertips, problems with sensitivity are observed. Often, psoriasis affects the nail plate.
  • Elbow. . . At the onset of the disease, the patient sees a single plaque with silvery scales. Gradually, degeneration occurs and persistent areas of the affected skin appear.Psoriasis of the feetThe scales and thin film are easily removed, after which you can see the color change to pink. In some cases, the affected area may bleed.
  • Feet. . . Often, the legs and back of patients suffer from psoriasis, the symptoms of which are similar to those that appear on the elbows. Symptoms of blood clots when there are dense lesions are also present.

The cause of the disease

Psoriasis is considered an abnormal reaction of the body to external stimuli. This provokes the development of pathological processes, which require too rapid renewal of the skin.

Recently, it is generally accepted that the disease is hereditary. But, it is not based on one type of disease, but several diseases. The reason for the development of psoriasis can be a failure of metabolic processes, problems in the endocrine system, neurological disorders, weakened immunity. But, it is certain that the pathology has no contagious nature.

There is no exact reason for the onset of the disease, but doctors have a theory.

Doctors do not know the true cause of psoriasis

According to them, psoriasis is divided into 2 types:

  1. The disease is inherited due to damage to the immune system. A similar form is found in most patients. Diagnosis usually occurs at an early age, before the age of 25 years.
  2. The disease is not related to immune problems and cannot be inherited. In this case, it occurs after 40 years, the affected areas are nails and joints.

According to doctors, patients with this disease should exclude the use of alcohol, sweets, salty foods and spicy foods. With the normalization of nutrition, an improvement in skin condition is observed. Extreme heat or cold can also cause relapses.


Psoriasis is a type of systemic pathology that can spread not only to the skin or nail plate. The spine, joints, tendons, endocrine and nervous systems often suffer from this disease. Also, damage to the thyroid gland, kidneys and liver was observed.

Fatigue and decreased performance are the first symptoms of psoriasis

The main symptoms of this disease:

  • depression, apathy, depression;
  • persistent fatigue, decreased performance;
  • the general condition is deteriorating.

Because there are complex effects on the body, pathology begins to be associated with psoriatic disease. The main manifestation is associated with damage to the skin, brightly colored papules grow on the epidermis. The affected area is scaly, itchy and brings discomfort to the patient.

If the top layer of the papule, the inflamed area is touched or removed intentionally, then blood droplets may appear.

Early stage psoriasis in children, photo

The disease can manifest itself even in infants, initially the rash is noted on the folds of the skin. A similar phenomenon occurs in children under 2 years of age. Also, pathology often develops in places where contact with diapers is observed.Pediatric psoriasisSometimes the disease is confused with diaper dermatitis, but unlike that, in psoriasis, the pathological area has a clear border and a brighter color.

Children older than 2 years already have the same type of papule as adults. Problem areas are characterized by desquamation, pathology often affecting the limbs. The scalp is affected at an older age, a similar problem can be found in children after 10 years. Starting from this period, the symptoms are similar to the manifestations of psoriasis in adults.

A large number of cases of psoriasis in infants occur after he transfers a staphylococcal infection.

Method of treatment

When early -stage psoriasis is detected, primary treatment is not always necessary. Often, experts limit themselves to doing prevention.

Cryotherapy for psoriasis

To eliminate the manifestations of skin diseases, the following techniques are used:

  • Cryotherapy is a method of cold exposure to pathological areas;
  • Plasmapheresis - purification of blood composition;
  • Ultraviolet therapy - patients are given short -term sessions, which are similar to visiting a solarium. To achieve higher efficiency, the appointment of a special method (PUVA therapy) is prescribed.

Be reminded that self -treatment with ultraviolet rays is prohibited. Because the dose calculation may not be correct. However, small doses are a drug, and exceeding that can exacerbate the process. The same suggestion applies to sunbathing.

Today it is impossible to completely get rid of this disease. According to doctors, the body retains a memory of the transferred disease, which can manifest itself in the presence of provoking factors. Due to the fact that relapses often occur unexpectedly, patients need to register with a dermatologist.

Folk medicine

If the patient does not undergo the process of walking, then it is possible to stop the symptoms without the help of official medication. There are recipes that can get rid of psoriasis, if there is an early stage.

How to overcome this disease with folk recipes:

  1. To get the balm, you need 20 chicken eggs from the village chicken. The product is boiled in 15 minutes after boiling. Only the yolk is needed from the eggs, kneaded into a homogeneous gruel. The finished mass is fried in a pan without adding oil.Celandine juice for the treatment of psoriasisThe flame should be low, as the egg yolk will boil for about 45 minutes. The mixture is removed from the heat and squeezed through a cheesecloth cloth, a problematic lubricant twice a day.
  2. Papules are treated with freshly prepared juice of celandine. Such manipulations are performed throughout the summer, it is possible to repeat several seasons.
  3. To get a complex ointment, you need to take 10 grams of solid oil, 30 grams of fresh honey, 50 grams of birch tar, 10 grams of boric acid and fish oil, as well as protein from chicken eggs. The mixture is kept in a dark place and papules are applied daily.